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I Can Read Music: A Note Speller For Piano Book 1 Beginning Reading
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I Can Read Music: A Note Speller For Piano Book 1 Beginning Reading
Product Details
The success of a piano student is largely dependent on his or her ability to read music. Achieving note-reading skill early in study increases a student's enjoyment of music and enhances self-esteem. I Can Read Music provides that extra tool needed by most students to gain certainty and confidence in note reading.
In addition to its role as a traditional note speller, I Can Read Music adds the following features:
- Emphasis on guide notes with unique visual reinforcements. These provide a stable reference from which other notes are learned.
- Emphasis on reading the small intervals - step and skip. This teaches pattern recognition in addition to note recognition.
- A motivational format consisting of "Story Rhymes," "Sightreading Bonanzas," and "Mr. Right Note and Mr. Wrong Note."
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